Senin, 06 Desember 2010

What is friendship?

friend meaning 

You know the meaning of friends, what berbedaanya with friends?
Companions are the most trusted person, who can be a story about our problems, which exist at the time we need or even when we do not butuhpun friend there beside us to accompany us. A true friend is very difficult for us to look for or we have encountered, because the search for the true Sabbath was really very difficult.
Friend is someone we know and someone who can we meet or not always certain when we meet. Finding friends is easy and even very easy, we just meet people we do not know, then took her acquaintance, when it was known then he might be regarded as a friend.
Friend is someone who when we were still sad that he could make us smile a while when we are pleased he will be more happy than us. Yep, it's no exaggeration if terlalau emang existence of a very special friend, he became an important substance that gives color to our lives. So, have a friend is no longer a necessity but a requirement, would not you agree? Well for you who until now have not found someone who fits intuk make friends, try deh even harder trying to find her. Got a friend that ga nothing to lose, even more good fortune will he ..., because once again best friend makes your day will be more alive and meaningful. Ga believe, give deh try reading the following points, guaranteed you'll be motivated to seek as much as possible. That's if you can listen instead sekadang read doang.
Friends of friends that vent, there are guns istialh stress when overwhelmed with problems, as heavy as any problem if we have a best friend. In this case the friend can be a place to share stories, friends vent, comfortable. We can ngungkapin all our feelings in addition to the family (if far from family) or boyfriend (should not) that is to our best friend. It is a god friend helper. Need help, need help why engga ran into a friend. Who knows he could help, could love a solution, or at least not just opinion. But that does not mean that every problem had to run into friends, the best and most important is to solve it by myself, just to keep people closest family are friends and do not forget to ask the one above. Independent learning story.
Yambung friend that people who talk to, easy to discussion, a friend talked a fun and all that will be reached when you can know each other kepribadiannnya respectively (fear of people like talking about people's secrets, desperate men ...), Friends of the man who with his heart spaciousness can understand us, with his hands to receive our openness as it is, without ever trying to influence let alone change our circumstances.
Friends of the mirror for ourselves, where we express ourselves referral. Companions are like the body, if one of our body ill, then others will feel sick. For example, if your feet hit the stone, certainly with the mouth reflex will say "ouch", hand rubbed and treat it immediately, without being asked and without prompting, as well as a friend she would have self-awareness when his friend was in trouble, and it is done on the basis of sincerity rather than coercion especially disinterested, yes, like our bodies are sick earlier.
If so, who's friend are you?

10 The best quality in a friend

This Berilut the most coveted characters from a friend:

* Can be trusted
* Honest
* Friendly
* Humorous
* Merciful
* Fun
* Faithful
* positive Berdikap 
* Understanding 
* Can be relied upon.

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